

Guardians & The Lost Paradise (Book 1 - 6)

Guardians & The Lost Paradise

Daniel Graham is a rather unlikely hero. For starters, he is just a twelve-year-old boy, struggling to come to terms with the death of his older brother. Secondly, he has never wielded a sword and shield before, or fired a bow and arrow, or ridden upon horseback. But he is forced to do all these things – and more – after a journey to summer camp takes him to the land of Eden instead. It is a land where angels, knights and dragon riders battle for supremacy. Daniel winds up in the middle of that battle, and must embrace a destiny that places the fate of the world in the palm of his hand.

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This collection includes the following three science-fiction novellas:


A lawyer's search for truth and justice makes him a victim of the very same criminal prosecution system he has sworn to serve.


A wealthy businessman is brought back from the grave with dire consequences.


When faced with the dominion of a totalitarian government, an entire generation of youths put their faith in a movement known as The Second Rebellion.

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The Morning Star (A Prelude to Guardians & The Lost Paradise)

The Morning Star

He was stripped of his rank and powers. He was banished from the heavenly kingdom. He was made to wander the earth without purpose. He was forced to live like a mere mortal. Now Lucifer seeks to exact his vengeance.

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